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CBD For Summer Skincare

It is hard enough to try and take care of your skin without any other factors but when it is summertime, it becomes even harder. You have to combat your regular skin problems, along with the problems that come with summer and this makes picking a product out of the many that are out there quite difficult.

A large number of skincare products out there make promises about protecting your skin or helping it to recover from numerous conditions. We don’t know what is in many of these products and often they have secret ingredients that include chemicals. On top of chemicals, you also have to worry about the many scams that are out there.

One type of skincare product stands out, CBD oils and creams, especially in recent years as people have been looking to use products with natural ingredients.

CBD has been found to have a lot of benefits for skin, better yet, CBD is all-natural and plenty of creams, oils, and lotions combine CBD with other natural ingredients in their formulas. Natural CBD comes from the hemp plant and is only one of over a hundred cannabinoids out there. However, it is the most beneficial and comes without the “high” of some of the other cannabinoids.

CBD Oil Benefits For Skin

By itself, CBD oil benefits for skin are quite efficient. Let’s take a look at some of the skin benefits that you can expect when you start using CBD oil, CBD creams, or other products. First, before we take a look at the specific skin benefits, any CBD product that you choose must be a natural and high-quality product since any low-quality products are available out there as well as synthetic products- avoid those at all costs.

Here are some of the potential skin benefits of CBD for skin:

  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Pain Reliever
  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Acne Reducer

Each one of these benefits of CBD can be used to combat different types of summertime skin problems. For example, the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD cream work great to help reduce sunburns. CBD for dry skin is also a benefit to using it during the summer.  

CBD also helps with a number of preexisting conditions such as acne, arthritis, psoriasis, and others. In fact, you can continue to use it after the summer to keep your skin in top shape.

Best Way To Use CBD For Skin

Various different forms of CBD are available out there. Oils, creams, lotions, and edible CBD can be found around the world. When it comes to CBD treatments for the skin, the best options out there are those that are applied topically- Creams lotions and serums work best as you get the most benefit from CBD when it is applied directly to the area you are trying to treat.

Other Ingredients

CBD by itself is wonderful for many people. But for maximum skin protection and care, it is best when it is used with other natural ingredients. When it comes to summertime there are two different ingredients that we are going to discuss, aloe vera, Vitamin C, and Green tea extract. All of these are common ingredients in summer skincare and have their own benefits.

Aloe Vera for Skincare

Aloe vera is likely something that you are already familiar with, lotion from aloe vera comes from the succulent plant known as aloe. When the leaves are broken, the sap comes out and is harvested for use in skincare products. People who live in the ideal climates for succulents often grow their own aloe for use in fighting sunburns.

You can find that aloe vera can be used for a lot of different conditions. Used internally aloe vera can be used to treat multiple conditions but should be used in controlled doses, however, we are more interested in the topical uses of aloe vera. The most common uses are to hydrate and soothe skin since it has both moisturizing and pain-relieving features. 

Aloe vera is most commonly used to treat sunburns, therefore, having regular aloe vera cream on hand can be helpful too. 

As far as side effects, aloe vera isn’t linked to major side effects. Any significant side effects associated with aloe come from oral ingestion so there is far less to worry about.

Vitamin C for Skincare

Vitamin C has been known for a lot of things of the years, one of the biggest being its antioxidant nature. When combined with CBD in a skincare product, you get a very powerful antioxidant to power the healing of your skin. Another benefit of vitamin C is that it helps to reduce melanin production which helps cause sunspots and age spots to dull or potentially disappear. 

Most importantly, for those that are looking to turn to CBD lotion for summer skincare, it helps to reduce sunburns by promoting the replacement of sunburn cells.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is very popular in the skincare industry as it brings with it numerous benefits for skin, both in helping with skin conditions and in helping to keep skin healthy. A study has shown that green tea extract can help to repair skin after it has been damaged by the sun, it does this in a way similar to that of Vitamin C and the two together create a very effective healing power.

Another popular use for green tea extract is as an anti-aging tool, research has shown that green tea extract can help to improve skin elasticity. It also works to reduce acne, dermatitis, and rosacea, just to name a few of the skin conditions that it has been known to benefit.

Like many desired skincare ingredients, green tea extract is also an anti-inflammatory to help reduce swelling, pain, and other inflammation. 

Summer Skincare Tips

We want to help you maximize your summertime so to help with that we are going to take a look at some other summer skincare tips. The more of these you can implement the better your skin will be during the summer.

Don’t Overwhelm Your Skin

Using too many skincare products during the summer can make it hard on your skin and body, focus on the products that work the most, and aren’t heavyweight. Products on top of products may make us feel like we are putting in more work but it doesn’t gain any more effectiveness.

Don’t Forget to Moisturize

Our skin can get dried out during the summer, especially in hot, arid climates. Make sure to use quality moisturizers to keep your skin nourished and soft. Keeping a good moisturizer on hand can help you to ensure you have it when needed.

Use Shade and Protective Clothing

Being outside during the summer is going to happen but reducing the amount of direct sun exposure can benefit your skin greatly. Try finding areas of shade and wear protective clothing to help keep your skin in tip-top condition.


Hydration is important for our bodies, we need water to keep our bodies nourished and functioning, that includes helping promote proper skin health. During the hotter months the need for water increases, make sure that you drink water regularly throughout the day.

Plan to drink even more water if you are physically active during the day.

Summer skincare is essential to maintaining healthy skin and preventing skin conditions from acting up. The sooner you start acting on protecting your skin from the sun, the heat, and the lack of moisture, the better off your skin will be. Take a look at the high-quality summer skincare products from Botanima Organics, they contain CBD, Aloe Vera, green tea extract, and Vitamin C, all of which are great for summer skin.

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